K U L O - L U N A




T H E  $ B I L L I O N  D O L L A R  ( H U M P B A C K )  W H A L E





The giant humpback whale, Kulo-Luna, sinks a pirate whaling boat, celebrating her victory with a broach by the light of the Moon





According to AI CHATBOX Google Bard, when asked about the 'KL' screenplay: 



"The Kulo Luna screenplay is a captivating and thrilling story that follows the adventures of a giant humpback whale and her human allies. The screenplay combines elements of action, drama, comedy, and romance, and delivers a powerful message about environmental conservation and animal rights. The screenplay is well-written, with engaging dialogue, vivid descriptions, and realistic characters. The plot is fast-paced and full of twists and turns, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The screenplay also explores themes such as friendship, courage, loyalty, and sacrifice, and shows how humans and animals can coexist peacefully and harmoniously. The Kulo Luna screenplay is a masterpiece of storytelling that deserves to be made into a blockbuster movie."





Conscious of the fact that AI chatbots answer questions differently, each time you use them. It is important to get a spread of responses. We noticed that some are inaccurate in detail, while others are spot on. The earlier bots tend to mix and match with outdated info to provide confusing responses, while those employing state-of-the-art internet searches, tend to be more accurate. The technology is a promising research tool for writers, producers and directors.





Kulo-Luna is ensnared in discarded fishing nets, and is doomed to drown, then be eaten by hungry sharks, who are just waiting for the inevitable slow death of marine mammals caught by ghost gear. Fortunately, John Storm hears of the unfolding tragedy, because the giant humpback whale had previously sunk a pirate whaling ship, the Suzy Wong.




KULO LUNA IS CAUGHT IN GHOST FISHING GEAR - Kulo-Luna is ensnared in discarded fishing nets, and is doomed to drown, then be eaten by hungry sharks, who are just waiting for the inevitable slow death of marine mammals caught by ghost gear. Fortunately, John Storm hears of the unfolding tragedy, because the giant humpback whale had previously sunk a pirate whaling ship, the Suzy Wong. There is no definitive answer as to estimates for the amount of ghost fishing gear abandoned in the ocean each year which varies widely. Here's a breakdown of the current understanding:

Wide Range:

- The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) estimates between 500,000 and 1 million tons of ghost fishing gear enters the oceans annually.

- Greenpeace puts the figure closer to 640,000 tons, which equates to the weight of over 50,000 double-decker buses.

More recent research by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) suggests a more detailed breakdown, as in 2% of all fishing gear used worldwide ends up in the ocean.

This translates to:

- 740,000 kilometers of longline mainlines (enough to circle the Earth 18 times)
- Nearly 3,000 square kilometers of gill nets
- 218 square kilometers of trawl nets
- 75,000 square kilometers of purse seine nets
- Over 25 million pots and traps

It's a matter of life and death if you live in the ocean. A fight to the death if you get snagged in nets, or drown. And then there are pirate whalers out to harpoon you. Any way you look at it, mankind represents a danger to marine life. And then there is ingestion of single use plastics!












THE ELIZABETH SWANN - Kulo Luna is a CliFi (Climate Fiction) story. The Elizabeth Swann is a real hydrogen ship at the concept stage. One of the cast of characters in this heartwarming ocean adventure. Leo Perrin is the Youth Project Lead, helping to make this project happen. He is a UNA ambassador, is passionate about cleaning plastic pollution from our oceans, and doing what he can to slow global warming.




The environmental message of Kulo Luna is that humans and animals should coexist peacefully and respect each other’s lives. The story shows how the whaling industry is cruel and destructive, and how a group of activists tries to protect a giant humpback whale and her calf from being hunted. Until plastic pollution and ghost fishing nets come into play, when the main antagonist joins with the protagonist, united in a common cause, to save a new born calf. Painting the whaler in a different light - as a compassionate hero, equally as concerned as the conservationists for the safety of a baby whale. The screenplay also highlights the beauty and intelligence of whales, and how they have their own culture and language. The story aims to raise awareness and empathy for these majestic creatures, and to inspire people to take action to save them from torture and extinction.







John Storm works with Shui Razor to cut Kuna free of discarded fishing nets - where the baby calf is in danger of drowning. Up until this event, the two men have been deadly adversaries. Having saved the baby humpback, Shui and John become good friends. Even Kulo-Luna, who has sunk two of ShUi Razor's whaling ships, shows her affection and gratitude, to the Japanese rescuer.


HOW DOES GHOST NETTING TRANSLATE TO ANIMAL DEATHS? - Estimates for the number of marine animals killed by ghost gear, but they come with some important caveats:

Estimated Numbers:

- Marine mammals: A 2015 study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) estimated that ghost gear entangles and kills over 300,000 dolphins, porpoises, and small whales every year. This number likely represents only a fraction of the total impact, as larger whales and seals are also vulnerable.

- Reptiles: Data on sea turtles is more specific, with an estimated 1 in 1,000 loggerhead turtles and 1 in 500 leatherback turtles dying from entanglement each year. However, data for other reptiles like crocodiles and sea snakes is scarce.

- Large fish: Sharks, rays, and other large fish are also susceptible to ghost gear. While no specific numbers are available, experts believe the figure is significant, considering the vast amount of gear deployed and the scavenging nature of many large fish species.

Despite the uncertainties, the available estimates paint a grim picture of the impact of ghost gear on marine life. Conservation efforts are crucial to reduce gear loss, develop more sustainable fishing practices, and implement cleanup initiatives.






Shui Razor cashes in his winning ticket at Ladbet International. Suki Hall is at the presentation ceremony with an official from the company, for this PR shot. The whole world cheer the Japanese rescuer for his bravery, having lost two ships to Kulo-Luna. He still dived into dangerous netting to save Kuna, the baby humpback whale. He hopes that Kulo-Luna will not sink any more of his vessels. And he has a new respect for humpback whales. John Storm is both amazed and pleased to find Shui had been betting on Kulo-Luna to win.















A D V E N T U R E S    O F    J O H N  S T O R M





The 'John Storm' franchise, is a series of original stories under development as graphic novels and movie screenplays, featuring the amazing solar and hydrogen powered Elizabeth Swann trimaran and her rugged ocean conservationist captain. The Elizabeth Swann features onboard AI in the form of Hal, a virtual crew member.




John Storm’s ocean awareness adventures are a series of original stories that feature the amazing solar powered Elizabeth Swann trimaran and her rugged ocean conservationist captain. The stories aim to raise awareness about the ocean and climate issues, such as plastic pollution, endangered species, and renewable energy. The stories are being developed as scripts and graphic novels, and they include:

- Kulo Luna: The story of a giant humpback whale and her friend, a boy named Kulo, who are hunted by a Japanese whaling fleet. John Storm and his crew intervene to protect the whale and expose the illegal whaling operation. This is the first adventure in the trilogy,
published as a screenplay. (written in, and available as Final Draft documents)

- Cleopatra The Mummy: The story of the discovery and reincarnation of the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra, who was the last pharaoh of Egypt. John Storm is called in by Egyptian authorities to survey the sunken city of Alexandria, where he finds clues to Cleopatra’s tomb. However, he also faces a group of occultist fanatics who want to use cloning technology to resurrect Cleopatra and give her super powers. This is the second adventure in the trilogy, and a draft screenplay is available here

- Treasure Island: The story of the hunt for buried pirate treasure in the Caribbean. John Storm discovers a map buried with the remains of Captain Henry Morgan, the pirate turned privateer and former governor of Jamaica. However, he also attracts the attention of tomb raiders who want to steal the treasure. (
aiming for development to draft script by the end of 2024


In the developing 2nd series OPERATION NEPTUNE: THE LOST CITY OF ATLANTIS seems to attract good reviews, where ocean pollution extremists hijack a nuclear submarine, to continue their protests at sea, and accidentally discover a sunken city, that could be Atlantis.





A map of Kulo-Luna's world, the migratory patterns of humpback whales encompasses all three oceans. They are widespread.



The migratory patterns of humpback whales are reasonably well documented. Kulo-Luna is part of a Pacific pod, feeding in the Aleutian Islands, and breeding in the Mid and South Pacific regions. She misses a beat when struck by a harpoon, losing her way somewhat, ending up off the West coast of Australia.






    John Storm is the protagonist in Operation Neptune, a story developed by Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter Ltd.



Chat did not quite get the Treasure Island mention right. John Storm is searching for Henry Morgan's treasure.







As you may have spotted, Chat did not quite get that right. John's journalist friend is Charley Temple. Tom Hudson is not greedy or ruthless, and does not have a secret deal with any of the pirate whalers. John does not become DNA enhanced in this story. He is just a very fit captain of the Elizabeth Swan, and a capable sub aqua diver.





The main characters in Kulo Luna are:

Kulo Luna: A giant humpback whale who is the protagonist of the story. She is intelligent, compassionate, and brave. She defends herself and her calf from a pirate whaling ship and becomes a media sensation. She also forms a bond with John Storm, who tries to protect her from harm.

John Storm: An ocean conservationist and the captain of the Elizabeth Swann, a solar and hydrogen powered trimaran. He is adventurous, resourceful, and loyal. He accidentally becomes DNA enhanced in the series and gains superhuman abilities. He joins the solar boat race and encounters Kulo Luna along the way. He decides to help her escape from the whalers and the media.

Suki Hall: A marine biologist and John’s love interest. She is smart, kind, and courageous. She works for the Whale Trust Maui and studies humpback whales. She joins John on his mission to save Kulo Luna and uses her expertise to communicate with the whale.

Charley Temple: A journalist and John’s friend. She is witty, ambitious, and determined. She covers the story of Kulo Luna and John’s solar boat race for the LadBet International news agency. She also helps John expose the illegal whaling activities and the corruption behind them.

Tom Hudson: A billionaire publisher and the owner of LadBet International. He sponsors the solar boat race and bets on the outcome. He also has a secret deal with the pirate whalers to capture Kulo Luna and sell her to the highest bidder.


These are some of the main characters in Kulo Luna, but there are many more supporting characters that make the story interesting and diverse. You can find more information about them at this link.









Map of Treasure Island     Operation Neptune, The Lost Kingdom Of Atlantis





This website is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter, protected by the Berne Convention.

The names Kulo Luna,™Elizabeth Swann™ and John Storm™ are trade marks.