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The adventures of John Storm and the Elizabeth Swann. John Storm is an ocean adventurer and conservationist. The Elizabeth Swann is a fast solar powered boat. During a race around the world, news of the sinking of a pirate whaling ship reaches John Storm and his mate Dan Hawk. They decide to abandon the race and try and save the whale.





Zheng Ling is a powerful black market dealer in whale, fish meat, and other hard to source seafood commodities outside of legal catch limits. He is thus a danger to the blue economy, and a conservationists nightmare.


He is also ruthless in his pursuit of profit, frequently taking on potential competition and eliminating it.


Despite this, he is a man of honour with a strict code that demands loyalty.


In this story, Zheng Ling offers the equivalent of a $million dollars for the butchered carcass of the giant whale, after Kulo Luna sinks Shui Razor's boat, the Suzy Wong. Zheng Ling pressurizes Shui and Stang to team up to hunt down the warrior whale for the prize money he is offering. Including sourcing extra diesel fuel where there are shortages, and offering Lee a better boat to replace the Jonah on their return.


Knowing Shui Razor would not agree, Zheng Ling offers Stang Lee an extra sum of money, should he be able to discover, or steal, the technology that makes the Elizabeth Swann so fast.





Zheng Ling is a fictional black marketeer around 60 years of age. We are looking for a volunteer model for this part. You must live reasonably locally, have studied in the county of Sussex, or have local ties. A fee will be paid to the likeness used in the published graphic novel.










ABC Live News

Dominic Thurston, editor, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Abdullah Amir

Skipper of Khufu Kraft, solar boat

Ark, The

DNA database onboard the Elizabeth Swann

Ben Jackman

Skipper of Seashine, solar boat

Billy Perrin

Cetacean expert

Brian Bassett

Newspaper Editor

Captain Nemo

Autonomous navigation system, Elizabeth Swann

Charley Temple

Camerawoman & investigative reporter

Dan Hawk

Electronics Wizard, World champion gamer, Computer hacker & analyst

Dick Ward

BBC news editor, PA

Elizabeth Swann

World's fastest solar and Hydrogen powered ship

Frank Paine

Captain Ocean Shepherd

George Franks

Solicitor based in Sydney & London (Franks Swindles & Gentry)


AI onboard the Elizabeth Swann

Harold Harker & Todd Timms

Sandy Straits Marina, Hervey Bay, Urangan, Queensland, East Australia

Jean Bardot

French Skipper of Sunriser, solar boat

Jill Bird

BBC world service presenter who is outspoken at times and tells it like it is

John Storm

Adventurer, ocean conservationist, amateur anthropologist


2nd Japanese whaler, spectacularly sunk by Kulo-Luna


A young female humpback whale, killed by whalers


Daughter of Kulo-Luna, baby calf humpback whale

Kulo Luna

A giant female humpback whale that sinks two whaling ships

LadBet International

A global gambling network that prides itself on accepting the most unusual wagers

Lars Johanssen

Skipper of Photon Planet, a solar powered boat

Peter Shaw

Pilot, arctic based

Professor Douglas Storm

Designer of Elizabeth Swann & uncle to John Storm

Sand Island Yacht Club

The official start and end of the Solar Cola Cup: World Navigation Challenge, Honolulu

Sarah-Louise Jones

Solar Racer, Starlight

Shui Razor

Captain, Suzy Wong, Japanese whaling Boat

Solar Cola Cup

World Navigation Challenge, for PV electric powerboats & yachts

Solar Cola, Spice & Tonic

Thirst quenching energy drinks with vitamins that aid healing and recovery

Suki Hall

Marine Biologist

Stang Lee

Captain, Jonah, Japanese whaling Boat

Steve Green

Freelance Reporter, Mr Exclusive

Suzy Wong

A Japanese whaling boat, spectacularly sunk by a whale

Tom Hudson

Sky News Editor

Zheng Ling

Japanese Black Market Boss














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