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AI - Artificial Intelligence has a way to go before it really changes the way that ships operate and goods are delivered autonomously.




The Elizabeth Swann is equipped with an autonomous navigation system called 'Captain Nemo', feeding from the ships instruments and a vessel control computer called Hal, that is artificially intelligent. 


Captain Nemo is interactive and partly operated by a self-learning program called 'Hal,' named after 2001 Space Odyssey. In this story, such artificial intelligence, or AI is as controversial when the Swann was launched (fictional, not actual launch) as autonomous navigation was 20 years before. A similar theme was used in ground breaking movie, 'Terminator' with Skynet, and the excellent Will Smith film iRobot, where the equivalent of Hal, 'VIKI' also seeks to decide the fate of humans. 









This may sound far fetched to some familiar with the world of science fiction, but then such a system is was used by IBM's Mayflower MAS 400 autonomous trimaran that was set to cross the Atlantic in 2021, traveling the passage route of the Pilgrims Founding Fathers, of the USA.


Fortunately, computers that are designed to navigate a ship, do not have the connections to take over the world, indeed, the programs are relatively basic, designed to steer a vessel from point A to point B as quickly and safely as they can. What cannot be allowed to happen, is to let AI computers have access to anything other than isolated problem solving.


Clearly, AI super-computers, developed to think about world problems, will be a whole lot smarter than the people who designed them, and cold hearted machines devoid of emotion or paternal instincts, let alone reproductive biological urges. It is the humans who will quite quickly become the weak link in the/any chain - and where we are at present, harming the planet, it is only logical that an intelligent machine will seek to limit the damage we are causing.


The AI computer program, Hal, was developed by Professor Douglas Storm with the help of many academic institutions and specialist companies all over the world, for the purpose of long endurance autonomous (even unmanned) transits. She was way ahead of her time, but could not be completed before the (presumed) passing of Professor Storm. Hal appears as the avatar of the Professor to his nephew John, but in other guises to other crew members.









The Elizabeth Swann is a  fast solar and wind powered trimaran. One of the Six-Pack round the world competitors, captained by John Storm. Details of the design will be revealed on the 1st of August 2020.










ABC Live News

Dominic Thurston, editor, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Abdullah Amir

Skipper of Khufu Kraft, solar boat

Ark, The

DNA database onboard the Elizabeth Swann

Ben Jackman

Skipper of Seashine, solar boat

Billy Perrin

Cetacean expert

Brian Bassett

Newspaper Editor

Captain Nemo

Autonomous navigation system, Elizabeth Swann

Charley Temple

Camerawoman & investigative reporter

Dan Hawk

Electronics Wizard, World champion gamer, Computer hacker & analyst

Dick Ward


Frank Paine

Captain Ocean Shepherd

George Franks

Solicitor based in Sydney


AI onboard the Elizabeth Swann

Harold Harker & Todd Timms

Sandy Straits Marina, Hervey Bay, Urangan, Queensland, East Australia

Jean Bardot

French Skipper of Sunriser, solar boat

Jill Bird

BBC world service presenter who is outspoken at times and tells it like it is

John Storm



A young female humpback whale, killed by whalers


Daughter of Kulo-Luna, baby calf humpback whale

Kulo Luna

A giant female humpback whale that sinks two ships

LadBet International

A global gambling network that prides itself on accepting the most unusual wagers

Lars Johanssen

Skipper of Photon Planet, a solar powered boat

Peter Shaw


Professor Douglas Storm

Designer of Elizabeth Swann & uncle to John Storm

Sand Island Yacht Club

The official start and end of the Solar Cola Cup: World Navigation Challenge, Honolulu

Sarah-Louise Jones

Solar Racer, Starlight

Shui Razor

Captain, Suzy Wong, Japanese whaling Boat

Solar Cola Cup

World Navigation Challenge, for PV electric powerboats & yachts

Solar Cola, Spice & Tonic

Thirst quenching energy drinks with vitamins that aid healing and recovery

Suki Hall

Marine Biologist

Stang Lee

Captain, Jonah, Japanese whaling Boat

Steve Green

Freelance Reporter

Suzy Wong

A Japanese whaling boat, spectacularly sunk by a whale

Tom Hudson

Sky News Editor

Zheng Ling

Japanese Black Market Boss








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